I’ve not posted in quite some time because my basic plan for adding updates to the blog was to post after some major job or task was completed. That plan isn’t going to work.
It’s become clear that because a number of factors have conspired to drag the rebuild process out I have decided to just start posting as projects progress.
The plans for this summer had me just about ready to start painting the decks. Forget that. The boat would have to come out of the water so that the mast could be pulled, the rudder shaft repaired and the keel dropped, cleaned up and the infamous C&C Smile fixed.
Now the boat is out of the water and sitting forlornly in the yard along with a whole of bunch of neglected yard queens. Technically the boat is scheduled to have the hull painted over the winter but given that a friend’s J40 was scheduled for the same treatment and went in the shed in November of last year and didn’t get completed and splashed until early this September, well, I’m pretty sure that we can say “Goodbye Summer 2016 Sailing Season…”. Eh, no worries.
Much of the slip in the schedule is on my part. Despite my delusions of cranking through projects on a daily basis this summer I’ve found that other demands have eaten up much of my time. Now, none of those demands were or are onerous, mostly motorcycle related fixes and trips, getting the dock wiring repaired so I could splash the Mako 261 and get her up to speed. And traveling. Lot’s and lot’s of traveling. We spent 10 days in Napa, CA and 2 weeks in Slovenia and Croatia, one week of that trip sailing the Adriatic off the Croatian coast. A week-long trip out to Moab in mid-September to do some dual-sport riding with my brother and old friends. In early October I was off to the Dominican Republic for some yearly volunteer work. Late October is filled with helping my sister-in-law with her yearly 100-mile endurance ride that she organizes. Kinda punches holes in my optomistic schedule.
Anyway, I’ll start posting entries of projects underway. For the time being, some more non-sailing stuff.
Moab off-road riding:
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